




Adaptive Clothing designed for anyone with reduced mobility. Kids and adults alike love returning to their active lifestyle!


Message from the founder:

I joined the Navy after high school and served our country for 20 years. As a Service Disabled Veteran, it was time for a new career.

I followed many paths for several years and one of those paths led me to invent My kOHzee. As the Activities Director for a Nursing Center, it was my job to interact with residents and find ways to improve their daily experience with activities, conversation, and love. Many of the residents were in various stages of mobility with some being confined to wheelchairs. Keeping them comfortable often meant wrapping them in blankets which proved to be confining and difficult to keep on.

Watching people choose between being comfortable and engaging in activities broke my heart and I had to find a solution. My kOHzee is the solution. My kOHzee is designed for comfort and mobility.


COMPANY TYPE: Medical Supply

COMPANY DISABILITY: Autism, PTSD, Epilepsy, Blindness / Hearing loss, HIV / AIDS, Paralysis: Spinal Cord Injury, Paralysis: Spinal Bifida, Paralysis: Cerebral Palsy, Paralysis: Stroke, Paralysis: Muscular dystrophy, Paralysis: Brain tumors, Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy


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