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Michelle FowlerOffline

    • Profile picture of Michelle Fowler

      Michelle Fowler

      16 hours, 40 minutes ago

      I’m a friend & member of Lera’s wonderful business to promote helping others in the disabled community. She has always been supportive of me and I want others to know she’s reached out to me now in my recent struggles. Here’s my story:

      Dear FB friends, I’ve been dealing with a medical issue since July and next Wed., the 19th, it should finally be resolved!
      Being paralyzed for over 41 years, I should have known better, however, last summer I attended two events and was so busy, I wasn’t diligent in doing what are called “pressure reliefs.” It’s when I stop what I’m doing, put my wheelchair brakes on, and lift myself for a few seconds off my cushion, to relieve pressure off my butt. Since I have no sensation from the waist down (believe me, I’m blessed I have the full use of my hands, unlike quadriplegics), that I have to consciously think about relieving the pressure. And now that I’m getting older, I have to be even more diligent.
      Bottom line (no pun intended🍑),
      I developed a pressure ulcer that got infected & had to have an operation to “clean it out” on 9/1/24. Since the wound was a “stage 4”, the worst stage and went to the bone, meant it had to begin healing from the inside out, which takes several months. I was put on a Wound Vac machine (Google it) and spent five weeks in a skilled nursing home in La Verne. Although, that experience was a positive one for many reasons, my wound still had a long way to go.
      So, I’ve been in bed, on my side, 24/7, only to get into my chair once a week so my dear friend, Darlene, can wash my hair.
      I’ve had a wound care nurse come every day to change my dressing.
      I was referred to see a plastic surgeon in Dec., who decided to take me off the Wound Vac & just keep it clean while it continues to heal until he decided it was time for him to do a procedure called a flap surgery (again, Google it) at Pomona Valley Medical Center on 3/19. Then I’ll have to heal from that, which he expects to take up to six weeks. Not sure where my aftercare will be yet.
      To say this has been a nightmare while my life has been on hold would be an understatement, for me as well as Doug.
      I’m grateful I have no pain (although this never would have happened if I had feeling) & have been healthy for the most part. Of course, I’ve lost some muscle & strength but hoping to get PT eventually.
      So, I’ve been spending most of my time watching tv, social media, zoom meetings & reading.
      I’ve also been blessed to have several friends bring me lunch or just visit & my daughter-in-law, Yerika heats up my dinners from Meals on Wheels M-F.
      Also, have enjoyed phone calls and many praying for my recovery.
      As difficult as this has been, I have much to be thankful for…a helpful family, compassionate friends, a nice home to make me comfortable, good insurance, and knowing my Savior, Jesus Christ knows what I’m going through since he’s been through so much more than I can even comprehend, comforts me every day. 🙏🏻
